[Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, said:]“O my Lord! Make me one who
establishes regular prayers, and [the same for] my offspring, our Lord, accept
my invocation.” (Qur'an 14:40)

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Easy felt flowers

Yusef and I made these for his grandmother, I had found some nice ideas online on how to make felt flowers, but this is a much more basic technique, that a young child will have no problem with in sha' Allah.
We started off with colorful flat buttons and my awesome bag of felt scraps that I bought off ebay (the listing is still here it is a cheap way to get a lot of different colours!)
I cut the felt in strips about 10 cm (3in) long and as thick as a finger to be the petals. You need 3 strips for each flower. Have the child put a drop of glue in the middle of one of the strips, and teach him how to glue a second one on it to make the shape of an "X"
Then have him glue the third to make the shape of a star:
At this point, if you want, you can cut out (or have your child do it if he can) either a circle or a small flower shape on a contrasting colour, and glue it in the center of the flower. It's not essential but adds colour and detail.
And finally choose a button for the middle (and trim the petals if needed)
Leave the glue to dry and...TA DA!!!!
We glued our flower on a piece of cardboard cut in the shape of a heart (remember to make holes for it to be hung before you start sticking). As added decoration, we inserted pieces of ribbon between the flowers and the base.
Yusef really enjoyed himself and grandma was well impressed :)

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