[Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, said:]“O my Lord! Make me one who
establishes regular prayers, and [the same for] my offspring, our Lord, accept
my invocation.” (Qur'an 14:40)

Thursday, 31 January 2013

My 2 sons and dishes

Assalamo aleykum,

This week both my sons have taken up some activity that involves plates. Alhamdulillah.

Yusef is nearly 5, and here he is doing his very first load of washing up: (I know I should have started him on it ages ago, I was lazy I admit it...)

My "baby" on the other hand, who is 19 months old, this week has realised he can reach the kitchen worktop (just the edge, but that's enough to pull stuff down) AND he has learned to climb onto dining chairs. Here's some casualties of his achievement masha'Allah:
 I had bought that glass that very same day, Qadr Allah!
I have decided that I will keep the biggest bits on broken plates and glasses until we have enough to make something with them.... I'm thinking Gaudi, Parc Guell (Barcelona)

You think that's ambitious? Never underestimate the amount of stuff your kids can break ;)

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